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He lives a fast paced life as a close protection officer of great repute. The body guarding and security industry does mean sometimes 18 hour days, no time to sit and eat you do everything between other things. High stress, fast pace, minimum sleep but yeah he still managed to carve this physique out in about 4 months. Kudos sir and well done. On a more personal note it is always very satisfying for me to work with friends especially ones that span back 2 decades, the trust in the platform is awesome. Well done Ty
Like most of us Kevan works in a high pressure environment, long hours and many potential obstacles to impede his results. We worked together for 12 weeks, I don’t do challenges per say, but I do not dictate to anyone who short or how long they can stay under my tutelage.
It took Kevan around 4 weeks to settle into the process, this incubation period is different from client to client, some get it synced in days, I have had some clients struggle to make their new journeys work with their present life for months on end. After the first four weeks Kevan really got stuck in and he lost 12kgs in the next 8 weeks.
He managed this while feeing good, training hard and managing to keep up with the demands of his work and most importantly not drinking Fit teas or salads exclusively. I doff my hat in Marvel Kevan, I am excited to see what you manage the rest of way. You have got this.
It took Kevan around 4 weeks to settle into the process, this incubation period is different from client to client, some get it synced in days, I have had some clients struggle to make their new journeys work with their present life for months on end. After the first four weeks Kevan really got stuck in and he lost 12kgs in the next 8 weeks.
He managed this while feeing good, training hard and managing to keep up with the demands of his work and most importantly not drinking Fit teas or salads exclusively. I doff my hat in Marvel Kevan, I am excited to see what you manage the rest of way. You have got this.
One of my first clients when I created Nutrition Alchemist, formerly known as Dark Arts Training solutions a thing. We have walked a long road together. A tough preparation period for a show. Illness, gruelling work schedule, some highs some lows. Looking back it the pictures are fantastic, but they fail to express the days, weeks and months of personal sacrifice, pain, joy, tears, doubt and faith that it takes to walk this path and Shan prevailed. You need to relinquish a lot, you must let your coach drive, you sit in passenger seat and work the radio that is all 😂 Great things to come, the credit must go in its entirety to Shan, I plot the road, but it cannot walk itself. I doff my hat Shan, you are an examplary client.
This should say before and during, but it is technically after since this client left the system for a few months and is now back. No faces as requested. This is a 10 months journey and what a phenomenal effort. The weight difference between these 2 images is around 2kgs, but body composition, posture and confidence are inversely proportional to the weight shit. The true magic of this process was reverse dieting from 1500 Calories and hearing complaints of hunger to a year later eating 3000 calories a day with 3000 free weekly calories and complaining about not being able to get them in😂 Well done and I am looking forward to the road ahead.
We have been working together for about 6 months, most of which have been spent in lock down in the UK. Only had access to bands for the most time and eventually got hold of a set of dumbbells. Our journey was not without its obstacles, life happens but even with those bumps in the road Justin managed excellent results. Once the gyms open up, we are going to do some hard work. Well done brother.
I will never tire of seeing the results of hard work manifested and especially when this hard work is achieved in less that favourable conditions. Ed and I have been working together for about 3.5 months. He trains at home with a resistance bands in his parking lot. His nutritional plans have tasty smoothies in them, wraps and yogi sip as a snack. He has lost 13kgs so far and he is keen to get a little tighter. Hard work, dedication and many hours have gone into this journey so far and we are not done yet. Well done Ed, I am super proud of you.
Totally commited to the process. Derrick is a jet setter and hard work. 2kgs difference between these 2 images. An amazing body recomposition
Haaa man, The pride I feel. I remember when Nkululeko started with Nutrition Alchemist. He had this idea in mind of a physique he wanted to look like, so he sent me a picture. The man in the picture looked OK, the goal was not too lofty and in my mind I knew he would achieve it inside 6 months. Results we slow in the beginning but one day I had an honest conversation with Freedom and everything seemed to click. I have had this with most clients except a select few. What is truly amazing about these results is actually that Nkululeko achieved this in about 8 weeks when he truly knuckled down. 89kgs in the first pic, 85kgs in the second. No PED’S and on a plan that is still in a deficit. You sir are going to do great things, your journey is its in infancy, you are a hard working, counrty travelling, professional and the zeal with which you approach your training is Olympian. I doff my hat, you have my applause and my respect.
Haaa man, The pride I feel. I remember when Nkululeko started with Nutrition Alchemist. He had this idea in mind of a physique he wanted to look like, so he sent me a picture. The man in the picture looked OK, the goal was not too lofty and in my mind I knew he would achieve it inside 6 months. Results we slow in the beginning but one day I had an honest conversation with Freedom and everything seemed to click. I have had this with most clients except a select few. What is truly amazing about these results is actually that Nkululeko achieved this in about 8 weeks when he truly knuckled down. 89kgs in the first pic, 85kgs in the second. No PED’S and on a plan that is still in a deficit. You sir are going to do great things, your journey is its in infancy, you are a hard working, counrty travelling, professional and the zeal with which you approach your training is Olympian. I doff my hat, you have my applause and my respect.
Bobby, an obsessed goal driven individual. This is the result of a 6 month journey. 92kgs down to 85kgs, The amazing part for me is in the individual measurements over the period. No loss of size in biceps Waist down 14cm Hips down 5cm Thighs down 1cm Calves down 1cm A lot of adipose tissue trimmed, but muscle packed on also. A training plan is great, an eating plan is better, but they mean nothing in the hands of someone that is not willing to apply them. We are not done yet, Bobby has set himself a personal target to have a 6 pack by end June 🎯
This was a fantastic journey. Mike is an absolute champion who came to me with an old shoulder injury that make it difficult for him to push his limits on some movements.
We did the best we could to work around it and mobilise it, but permanent fixtures in place it is tricky, but we made excellent inrows.
Well done sir
We did the best we could to work around it and mobilise it, but permanent fixtures in place it is tricky, but we made excellent inrows.
Well done sir
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