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Writer's picture: francoisbeyafrancoisbeya

Like any new venture the hardest step is often the first. You are filled with trepidation, a sense of fear but also a lot of excitement. We have all been there, you want something, but from time to time we fail to consider the moving parts in the background that are going to need to shift and be adjusted in order to make out new wishes and wants come to fruition.

I often say to people that the notion of giving 110% is ludicrous, once cannot give more than one has available, it is basic mathematics. What is possible however is selecting what we focus our available 100% on. The key to success lies in your ability to look at your time and life in a critical fashion. What is taking up your 100% presently and what are you willing to deprioritise in order to prioritise your new endeavours.

This is not an insurmountable process, after all you are already eating, the plan is to have you eating better so the time is already there we just need to optimise it. You may not be exercising presently, but you may have some time that is spend on things that may very well seem critically important to you now, but what could possibility be more important than longevity.

If you are someone who has the time available presently, the shift will be easy for you, but those who have intensely busy work and social schedules, the rigors of the process will be slightly harder to negotiate, but nothing worth having comes easy.

It is not complicated, but you must be cognisant of the fact that there is an expectation of time for results. If you can appreciate that, you have the makings of someone that could make this work.

this work.

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